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Interim Dean o/cacm/about/news/f the College o/cacm/about/news/f Architecture and Construction Management meets with Delegation o/cacm/about/news/f Hubei Business College, Wuhan, China
July 12, 2019
Dr. Khalid Siddiqi, Interim Dean o/cacm/about/news/f the College o/cacm/about/news/f Architecture and Construction Management, met on July 8, 2019, with the Delegation o/cacm/about/news/f Hubei Business College, Wuhan, China.
Rhino and Grasshopper Certi/cacm/about/news/fications
July 08, 2019
The ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ College o/cacm/about/news/f Pro/cacm/about/news/fessional Education, in collaboration with the ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ Department o/cacm/about/news/f Architecture, o/cacm/about/news/f/cacm/about/news/fers Rhino and Grasshopper Certi/cacm/about/news/ficates taught by Dr. Arash Soleimani /cacm/about/news/for students and pro/cacm/about/news/fessionals.
Retired Dean, Rich Cole, Awarded "Pro/cacm/about/news/fessor Emeritus o/cacm/about/news/f Architecture"
July 08, 2019
Retired dean, Rich Cole, AIA, NCARB, was awarded "Pro/cacm/about/news/fessor Emeritus o/cacm/about/news/f Architecture" by the ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ State University President, Dr. Pamela Whitten, on July 1, 2019
Thesis Students Receive URCA Funding to Attend ARCC2019
June 25, 2019
The Department o/cacm/about/news/f Architecture would like to congratulate three o/cacm/about/news/f our amazing thesis students, Dyesha Holmes, Corey Jones, and Brittany Adkins, /cacm/about/news/for receiving an Undergraduate Research Creative Activities (URCA) /cacm/about/news/funding award to attend the Architectural Research Centers Consortium Con/cacm/about/news/ference (ARCC2019) in Toronto, Canada (43% acceptance rate).
Construction Ambassador
May 11, 2019
Alum applies management experience to U.S. embassies worldwide
ACCI Receives Bronze Metal
May 09, 2019
At this year's AIA Georgia 2019 Design and Honor Awards, held at Ponce City Markets' Roo/cacm/about/news/ftop Terrace on April 27th, The Atlanta Center /cacm/about/news/for Creative Inquiry (ACCI) was awarded the Bronze Medal.
Team Honored at Competition
May 01, 2019
Rising second-year Architecture students, Matthew Reed, Sean Li, and Dominic Reilly, /cacm/about/news/formed a team in May to design an entry /cacm/about/news/for the MOONCEPTION 2019 ARCHITECTURE COMPETITION. Teams envisioned the unseen /cacm/about/news/future o/cacm/about/news/f humanity on the Moon and created the /cacm/about/news/first human habitation outside o/cacm/about/news/f Earth's perimeter.
Sporting Clays Fundraiser 2019
May 01, 2019
Henry Painter o/cacm/about/news/f Turner Construction was the lucky winner o/cacm/about/news/f Benelli shotgun donated by Dennis Taylor, who was an Elite Sponsor at the event.
Architecture Students Honored /cacm/about/news/for Design Excellence
April 23, 2019
²ÝÁñÊÓƵ State University’s Department o/cacm/about/news/f Architecture has named two /cacm/about/news/fi/cacm/about/news/fth-year students as co-winners o/cacm/about/news/f the inaugural Portman Prize /cacm/about/news/for Outstanding Thesis, awarded to those who best exempli/cacm/about/news/fy comprehensive research and design excellence as determined by a panel o/cacm/about/news/f experts.
Dr. Khalid Siddiqi to serve as Interim Dean /cacm/about/news/following the retirement o/cacm/about/news/f Richard Cole
April 22, 2019
E/cacm/about/news/f/cacm/about/news/fective July 1, Dr. Khalid Siddiqi, pro/cacm/about/news/fessor and chair o/cacm/about/news/f the Department o/cacm/about/news/f Construction Management, will serve as interim dean /cacm/about/news/following the retirement o/cacm/about/news/f Richard Cole this summer a/cacm/about/news/fter many years o/cacm/about/news/f service.