Undergraduate and graduate projects: scale 0- 10 with 0 representing "Poor" and 10 representing "Exceeds Expectations"
- Successfully completed stated project goals and reported deliverables (0-10)
- Methodology/Approach: All required elements are clearly visible, organized, and articulated
- Effective verbal presentation (0-10)
- Evidence of Rigor (0-10)
- Merit and Broader impact (0-10)
Games: scale 0 - 10 with 0 representing "Poor" and 10 representing "Awesome"
- TECHNICAL: Technically sound with appropriate visual & audio fidelity(0-10)
- GAMEPLAY: Engaging & Fun, with an intuitive UI. Rules of play are clear. Includes
a win/lose state(0-10)
- ORIGINALITY: Sound, Art, Design, or Code(0-10)
- Evidence of Rigor (0-10)
- Merit and Broader impact (0-10)