Call for Proposals

The College of Science and Mathematics (CSM) is pleased to announce the 2023-2024 Mentor Protégé Research Program. With the view that “the best learning comes from doing”, the Mentor Protégé program is designed to stimulate and foster undergraduate research projects in collaboration with faculty mentors. Through collaborative research, students will improve their analytical thinking and problem-solving skills while gaining experience with the writing, presentation, and interpersonal skills essential for success in their intended professional careers.

*** Interested Students: Contact faculty doing research in your area of interest to discuss possible collaborations! ***

Thank you for your interest.

Fall 2023 deadline was Friday, November 10, 2023.

Please be sure you fulfill the eligibility criteria (described below) and submit a single electronic file (PDF) that contains the elements described under Proposal Description and Format (see below) to with a subject line of "Mentor Protégé Proposal". Incomplete proposals or proposals that do not meet the criteria will not be considered for review.

General information
  • The Mentor Protégé Research Program is designed to serve a two-fold purpose: to provide undergraduate students the opportunity to further their research interests and skills and to provide opportunities for students to participate in scholarly activity by generating results (e.g. conference presentations  or poster; authorship on a peer-reviewed research paper; generation of preliminary data for a grant proposal, etc.). Funded proposals will have clearly outlined plans for engaging the identified students in applied or basic research and for disseminating results of that research regionally or more broadly. Mentor Protégé Awardees are expected to participate at a minimum in the Ƶ State University Undergraduate Scholarship Symposium.

    The Mentor Protégé Research Program strongly encourages submissions of proposals that develop a research community model, involving multiple (2 or more) students working collaboratively on aspects of a central project. Collaborations that involve more than one faculty member, and collaborations across departments within the College are also welcome.

    Anticipated outcomes include: 1) developed collaborations with students that lead to continuation projects over subsequent semesters; 2) generation of products (grant proposals, peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations) with student involvement.

    • All tenured or tenure-track faculty in the CSM are eligible to apply.
    • Awardees from previous Mentor Protégé Research Program projects that have not submitted summary reports will not be considered for funding.
  • Permitted expenses are project-related supplies and materials, and student registration* to professional meetings to present project-related findings at conferences. Awards of up to $4000 may be requested.

    *Note that travel itself is not supported at this time.

  • The proposal must be written in 12-point font, 1.5 line-spacing, no smaller than 0.7” margins and include the following:

    • Cover Page (1 page maximum)
      • Proposal Title
      • PI(s) name and departmental affiliation
      • Student name(s)
      • A brief Project Summary not to exceed 400 words
    • Project Description (3 page maximum)
      • Frame the question(s) that the project will attempt to address;
      • Provide sufficient background context for the proposed activities;
      • Outline the objectives of the proposed activities;
      • Detail the methods that will be used;
      • Outline the role of each student in the project, their anticipated number of hours in the lab per week, and classification (sophomore, junior, what major, etc);
      • Discuss expected student training and research outcomes, and significance of these to 1) the students; 2) science and society;
    • Supporting Literature (No page limit, but may not include footnoted comments that would extend or elaborate on the points made in the Project Description).
    • Results from Previous Mentor Protégé Support (1 page maximum – If Applicable). If the applicant PI(s) has/have been previously awarded Mentor Protégé support within in the past 3 years, briefly describe successes, outcomes, and products from prior support.
    • Anticipated Outcomes (1 page maximum). Discuss plans for dissemination of project outcomes (i.e. presentations at meetings or conferences; publications in peer-reviewed journals; generation of online content, grant proposals, etc.). Discuss what role the students will play in generation and dissemination of these products. Specifically list any external grants or contracts to be sought related to this research proposal for continuing or expanding upon project outcomes, including the timeline for submission.
    • Budget and budget justification (1 page maximum). Provide budget request with short narrative for related costs. Explain the spending timeline of requested funds.
    • PI(s) biosketch in NSF or NIH format (Current federal page limits apply).
  • Projects will be reviewed, and recommended for funding by the College Awards Committee. Other reviewers may be consulted on an ad hoc basis where their expertise might be helpful in proposal evaluation. Project funding is dependent on availability of funds, and funding may be less than the amount requested.