Coles College of Business Faculty Research

Research conducted by the Coles College of Business Faculty on Business Education.

  •  (2024). "Book Review: Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men," Journal of International Women's Studies: Vol. 26: Iss. 5, Article 18. Available at: 

    , , & (2024). Buy Now, Pay Later Loans, Social Norms, and Consumer Indebtedness. Journal of Behavioral Finance, 1–12.

    , & (2024). . International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 2024, Vol. 20, Issue 1, pp. 6-24

  • , and .
    "." Communications of the Association for Information Systems 52, no. 1 (2023): 3.

     , , , and .
    "." Journal of Accounting Education 62 (2023): 100816.

  • , , & (2022). "
    " Journal of Financial Education 48(1), 129-146

    Jason R. Harron, Randy Emert,  and Jeffrey Campana."Laying the Groundwork for STEAM: Scaling and Supporting 3D Design and Printing in Higher Education" Frontiers in Education Vol. 6 (2022) ISSN: 2504-284X

    He, Y., Alexander, J. F., , & Chen, R. A. (2022). “I was told there would be no math: Marketing students misconceptions of the career field impede enrollment interest in quantitative courses. Marketing Education Review, 1-12. DOI:.

    Knight, M., D. Boyle, J. Eckroth, and . 2022. U.S. Research-Focused Nontraditional Doctoral Accounting Programs: A Status Update. Journal of Accounting Education 58. 

      Gligor, D. M., Riemann, P., & Gligor, N. (2023). Why are US business students afraid of immigrants? Values and attitudes. The International Journal of Management Education, 21(1), 100757.

    , Gligor DM, Blumentritt T, Gligor N. Fear or Competition? Antecedents to U.S. Business Student Immigration Attitudes. Journal of Management Education. Forthcoming. doi:10.1177/10525629211065623

     "A Case Study in How Different Teaching Methods Affect Different Student Demographics across a University." Quarterly Review of Distance Education 23, no. 2 (2022).

    . and Raven, Arjan, “Engaged Brains: A Course on Neuro-Information Systems,” Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE), forthcoming.

    Stephenson, Sandria S., and ."" The Accounting Educators' Journal 32 (2022).  

     ,  &  (2022).  The International Journal of Management Education, 20(2), 100656.

  • , , , and  (2021). Effectively Adding Effectuation to the MBA Curriculum. Annals of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, Volume 4, edited by Charles Matthews and Eric Liguori. 

    Drehmer, Charles E.,  (2021), “Breaking down Classroom Walls: Teaching Moments for Online Learning Excellence”, Marketing Education Review, 1-3. 

    Stephenson, S. and . (2021) Continuing Higher Education’s Socioeconomic Values: Sustainability for America’s Workforce, Cost Management, July/August 2021.

    , , and Yannick Roger Post. 2021. Academic Performance of Face-to-Face and Online Students in an Introductory Economics Course and Determinants of Final Course Grades.  24 (2).

    Boyle, D., J. Boyle, and . 2020. The Intersection of Academia and Practice: Publishing in Leading U.S. Accounting Organizations’ Journals.  35 (2): 1–17.

    ., ., Schulzke, K. (2021). . Journal of International Business Education, 15:2020, 1-24, 2021

    Glackin, C. E., & Phelan, S. E. (2020).  New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 23(2), 79–96.

    Knight, M., and . 2021. . Issues in Accounting Education 36 (3): 75-90.

    Michael J. Maloni, Timothy B. Palmer, Marc Cohen, David M. Gligor, John R. Grout, Robert Myers. 2021. Decoupling responsible management education: Do business schools walk their talk?, The International Journal of Management Education, Volume 19, Issue 1, 100456, ISSN 1472-8117, .

    Phelan, S. E., & Glackin, C. E. (2021). . Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 4(3), 261–281.

    ., Pridmore, J., ., Godin, J., & Prince, B. (2021). Agile course design: Multi-university faculty collaboration to design the MIS course for an online MBA program. Journal of Information Systems Education, 32(1), 9-26. 

  • Drehmer, Charles E., Kesha K. Coker, , “Big Impact Teaching Moments in the Big Easy”, Marketing Education Review 30, no.2 (2020): 89-91.

    Glackin, C. E., & , S. E. (2020). . New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 23(2), 79–96.

    Boyle, D., and . 2020. Research Initiatives in Accounting Education: Developing and Utilizing Faculty. Issues in Accounting Education 35 (4): 75-86.

    Boyle, D., J. Boyle, and . 2020. How to Publish in Peer-Reviewed Practitioner Accounting Journals. Issues in Accounting Education 35 (2): 19-30.

    Chiang, C., Wells, P. K., Fieger, P. and  (2020) “”, Accounting and Finance. doi: 

    , and . 2020. “Say Something About Somebody’s Hat” 10 Practical Teaching and Classroom Management Tips to Consider. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting 12 (3): 493-505.   

    Boyle, D., J. Boyle, and . 2020. The Intersection of Academia and Practice: Publishing in Leading U.S. Accounting Organizations’ Journals.  35 (2): 1-17.

    , and D. F. Prawitt. 2020. Providing Balance in the Accounting Curriculum and Beyond: The Case for Capitalism. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting 12 (2): 179-196.  .

    , , ,  (2020). . Journal of Teaching in International Business,31(2), 106-129.

    , , 2020. Business Analytics Curriculum for Undergraduate and Graduate Students. . 18(1), 22-58.

    Plachkinova, M., & Pittz, T. (2020). Assessing the Awareness of Cybersecurity Within Entrepreneurship Students: The Cyberpreneurship Project. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. 

    ,  and . Stakeholder Perceptions of Accounting Student Organizations’ Value. Journal of Accounting Education, 2020, 50(1),1-16. 

  • Boles, James,  and  (2019), “Do Students and Faculty Understand Recruiter Criteria for Front-Line Sales Positions?” Marketing Education Review, 29(4), 236-241. published online, DOI: ; 

     â€śEngaging Legal and Ethical Environment of Business Students with Create a Law Days, 36 Journal of Legal Studies Education, 2019.

    Anderson, Ilona &  â€śCreative Learning through Collaborative Design to Introduce Students to, Among Other Things Visual Literacy” Foundations in Art: Theory and Education, 2019, pp. 30.

     "Venture Execution: The Missing Curriculum Puzzle Piece". Annals of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, Volume 3, edited by Charles Matthews and Eric Liguori, 2019.

    , ,  (2019). Understanding the Work Values of Gen Z Business Students. , 17(3)

    , , , Wermert, J. (2019). Exploring Student Perceptions of Offshoring. , 17(2), 226-238.

    Stephenson, Sandria. (2019). The pedagogy of social inquiry model: A model for theory development on decision making. , May/June 2019.

    Stephenson, Sandria. (2019) Learning Styles Assessment Modalities Preferences Diagnostics (Lamp-D): A Framework Of Accounting Students’ Preferred Learning Styles And Course Learning Assessments.  (2019)

  •  â€ś25 Reflections on Accounting Research”.  vol. 33 no. 1, 2018, pp. 3-15.

    , , â€śChoosing an undergraduate major in business administration: Student evaluative criteria, behavioral influences, and instructional modalities” The International Journal of Management Education, vol. 16, no. 3, 2018, pp 524-540.

    Hwang, Alvin, Bento, Regina F., Arbaugh, J.B., Asarta, Carlos J., , Fornaciari, Charles J., & Jones, Christopher. “A cluster analysis of highly productive business and management education scholars” Journal of Education for Business, 2018.

    . “Women and Negotiations: An Undergraduate Level Study”, Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 17 No. 4, 2018, pp. 169-184.

    , ,  & . "Perceptions of Undergraduate Students of Student-Regulated Online Courses"  Vol. 21, no. 3, 2018.

    , & . "Three S’s of Undergraduate Course Architecture: Compatibilities of Setting, Style and Structure Title" , Vol. 21, no. 1, 2018.

    Cortes, Kimberly J., Kammerdiener, Kimberly, , & Terrell, Cassidy, “Measuring the Cognitive Load of Modeling Activities in Chemistry,” 255th American Chemical Society National Meeting, 2018.

    , S. Bee, M. Garnsey. The Lemonade Stand: An Elementary Case for Introducing Data Analytics. . 2018 Vol. 13, Issue 1, 29-43.

    Stephenson, Sandria. Management professionals without voice: The value of shared governance in continuing education.  (September/October): 2018. pp. 5-20.

  • Anderson, Ilona, Nichter, Susan, . “Visual Literacy through Art Analytics” Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association. 2017, pp.29

    Bento, Regina F., Hwang, Alvin, Asarta, Carlos, Arbaugh, J.B., , Fornaciari, Charles & Jones, Christopher. “A Career Study of Highly Productive BME Scholars”  2017.

    Best, Ellen E., & .  “A Corporate Tax Return Simulation:  Utilizing Electronic Work Papers and Resolving Ambiguous Issues”. , vol. 32, no. 4, 2017, pp.61-80.

    , & Richardson, Ronny.  “The Effects of Higher Education Organizational Consolidations on Student Stress Levels.” , vol. 14 no.1, 2017, pp. 53-68.

     &   â€śStudents' Perceptions of Interactive Technology as a Learning Tool in Legal Studies Courses” 12 Journal of International Business Education 213, 2017.

     &  "A Comparison of Student Behavior and Performance Between an Instructor-Regulated Versus Student-Regulated Online Undergraduate Finance Course"  vol. 5 no. 8, 2017, pp. 863 – 870.

    Cortes, Kimberly J., Kammerdiener, Kimberly, , & Terrell, Cassidy. “Using physiological biometric data to inform the instructional practices of biochemistry,” Southeast Regional Meeting American Chemical Society, 2017.

    Cortes, Kimberly J., Kammerdiener, Kimberly, & , “Use of Eyetracking Technology to Determine Biochemistry Expert-Novice Differences in Reading Metabolic Pathways,” Experimental Biology, 2017.

    Cortes, Kimberly J., Kammerdiener, Kimberly, & , “Measuring the Cognitive Load of Modeling Activities in Chemistry,” 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, 2017.

    Stephenson, Sandria. (2017). “Reflective ethical decision: A model for ethics in accounting education.” Accounting Educators’ Journal, Special Edition 2016.

    , &   (2017).  Learning Outcomes for Cyber Defense Competitions.  , 28(1), 21-42.

  • Bishop, Carol C., Boyle, Douglas M., Carpenter, Brian W., &  â€śTransitioning into Academia: A New Pathway for Practitioners.”  vol. 221 no. 3, 2016, pp.48-53.

    Anderson, Ilona, Nichter, Susan, & . “Bootstrapping Creative Learning through Collaborative Design.” IDEC Regional Conference, 2016, pp.27.

    , ,   & Rhea, Wes.  â€śBusiness Student Perceptions of Online Learning: Using Focus Groups for Richer Understanding of Student Perspectives,” Organization Management Journal, vol. 13 no. 3, 2016, pp.149-166.

    , Scherrer, Christina R., , & Boyd, Elizabeth. “Attracting Students to the Field of Logistics, Part 1.”  vol.55 no. 4, 2016 pp.420-442.

    , Scherrer, Christina R., & Mascaritolo, John. “Attracting Students to the Field of Logistics, Part 2.”  vol. 55 no. 4. 2016, pp. 442-468.

    , & Stein, Sarah E. “Trading Styles, Inc.: An analysis of the going concern assessment”  vol. 31 no. 3, 2016, pp. 355-366.

    Stephenson, Sandria. “Accounting Community of Practice pedagogy: a course management invention for developing personal competencies in accounting education” , vol. 26 no. 1 2016, pp 3-27.

    , , &  â€śDeveloping an Entrepreneurship Major and Minor: One University’s Story” , vol. 9 no.2, 2016, pp. 23-39.

  • , Epps, Kathryn K., & Cleaveland, Catherine M. â€śComparing Business Law in Online and Face to Face Formats: A Difference in Student Learning Perception” , no.1, 2015, pp. 123.

    Boyle, Douglas M., Carpenter, Brian W., &  â€śThe Accounting Faculty Shortage: Causes and Contemporary Solutions.”  vol. 29 no. 2, 2015, pp. 245-264.

    Boyle, Douglas M., Carpenter, Brian W., , &  â€śExamining the Perceptions of Professionally Oriented Accounting Faculty” Journal of Accounting Education vol. 33 no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-15. 

    . “Fooled by Our Perceptions” , Vol. 13, no. 4, 2015, pp 529-538.

    , & . “A Teaching Supplement on Sensitivity Analysis for Linear Programming in Undergraduate Business Programs”. , vol. 16 no. 1, 2015, pp.6-9.

    Nichter, Susan, Anderson, Ilona & . “Integrated Studio 2 and Project Management Creative Collaborations. Foundations in Art: Theory and Education. Indianapolis, IN. 2015, pp. 25

    McLaurin, Shekesa, , &  â€śUndergraduate-to-PhD Project: Examining the Path to Becoming and Remaining an African American Professor in Information Systems,” The Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2015.

    Smith, James and  â€śThe Homogenization of Standards Based Information Security Education: An Example of Differentiation,” , 2015.

  • , , , Leeds, Elke M. “The role of student characteristics in predicting retention in online courses.” , vol. 55 no.1 2014, pp. 27-48.

     "Comparing Student Performance and Satisfaction in Face-to-Face and Hybrid Formats for a Finance Course" , Vol. 2 no. 2, 2014, pp. 73-77.

     â€śThe Applicability of Neurally-Controlled Devices in Business: A Student Perspective,” , 2014.

    , , , &  â€śInfluences on Student Intention and Behavior Toward Environmental Sustainability.” , vol. 124, no.3, 2014, pp.465-484.

    , Continuing higher education: Balancing cause and effect as performance measurement.  (July/August): 2014. pp. 35-48.

  • Boyle, Douglas M., Carpenter, Brian W., , & Mensah, Michael O. “Transitioning from Practice to Academia: Examining the Interest of Accountants.” , no. 1, 2013.

    Boyle, Douglas M., Carpenter, Brian W., , & Mensah, Michael O. “The Accounting Doctorate Shortage: Opportunities for Practitioners.” , vol. 94, no. 11, 2013, pp. 31-36.

    , &  â€śKey Interactions for Online Programs between Faculty, Students, Technologies, and Educational Institutions: A Holistic Framework.” , vol. 14, no. 1, 2013, pp. 49-62.

    . May 2013. “Using Word Mail Merge to Enable Double-Loop Learning and Transition to Argyris’ Model II through Customized Exam Feedback.” Technology Teaching Symposium. 2013.