
Students who are participating on any academic, co-curricular or research international experience are required to register their travel and enroll in the university’s supplemental international insurance policy with CISI.  This includes any non-credit bearing or independent study abroad, registered student organization, athletics, field work, dissertation or thesis work, service learning, conference participation, international internships, directed studies and research abroad that is related to the academic field of study.

Choose Your Travel Registration

Students participating in programs offered through the Education Abroad Office complete this requirement as part of their application process.

Choose your travel registration below:

  • For individual student travel that is funded through the university or that fulfills a degree requirement (e.g. dissertation research).

  • For individual that travel may or may not receive external funding, is non-credit bearing and does not fulfill a degree requirement.

  • Leaders of or individuals coordinating university-affiliated, non-credit bearing student group international travel are required to submit a Non-Credit Bearing Group International Travel Form in order to initiate the travel registration process for the group. Contact for more information or with questions about this process.

Students Traveling to High Risk Locations

Students traveling to high risk locations must complete a petition for travel to risk-designated locations. For more information on this process, please see Risk-Designated Travel.

  • Research conducted abroad is still subject to IRB approval where applicable. Please see the  for more information.

    Students, faculty or staff planning to bring sensitive data or equipment with them abroad, or who will be traveling to a country with OFAC or ITAR restrictions need to work with  to verify that their research and equipment complies with federal regulations. For more information, see IT Security and Protecting Research Data.

    A laptop loaner program is available for travelers to risk-designated locations or countries with an increased cybersecurity profile who wish to leave their technology at home.

  • Student leaders who are planning a Registered Student Organization (RSO) group international travel experience must submit a single Non-Credit Bearing International Group Travel Form for their group travel. Submission of this form will key the creation of a travel registration portal for your group.

    If the travel will be to a risk-designated location, the student leader must also submit a Group Petition for Travel to a Risk-Designated Location for the group.

    All students participating in an RSO international travel experience are required to complete the travel registration for their participation as well as obtain the university’s student supplemental international insurance through CISI.

  • Athletic teams or university clubs who are planning a group international travel experience must submit a single Non-Credit Bearing International Group Travel Form for their group travel. Submission of this form will key the creation of a travel registration portal for your group.

    If the travel will be to a risk-designated location, the team’s travel coordinator must also submit a Group Petition for Travel to a Risk-Designated Location for the group.

    • All student athletes participating in an international travel experience are required to complete the travel registration for their participation.
    • All student athletes and any accompanying faculty and staff must obtain the university’s student supplemental international insurance through CISI.
    • Accompanying faculty and staff should attend a health and safety training for international program leaders.

Faculty & Staff

Registration with On Call International and enrollment with CISI connects you to the university’s international emergency protocol and enables the university to assist you in the event of an emergency abroad.

Faculty and staff should book travel in Concur in order to be automatically enrolled in On Call International. If booking travel outside the system, please register your travel with On Call International by emailing your itinerary to in order to receive in-country security information and alerts.

Faculty and staff should also register all business travel abroad with CISI to enroll in the university’s business travel supplemental international insurance policy. This policy is independent of HR Benefits and is available at no charge for all ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ State University faculty and staff. Do not register personal dates of travel.

The university does not require petitions for faculty or staff conducting business travel to high risk locations. However, if you are planning to travel to a location with one of the below active designations, please review the ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ International Risk-Designated Travel Guidelines and contact prior to departure.

  • U.S. Department of State Level 3: Reconsider Travel
  • U.S. Department of State Level 4: Do Not Travel
  • CDC Level 3 Warning: Avoid Nonessential Travel
    • Education Abroad
      • Faculty or staff wishing to take students abroad on an education abroad program for academic credit must complete the education abroad program proposal process and additional requirements through the Education Abroad Office.
      • Faculty or staff accompanying students on an Education Abroad Program are automatically registered with On Call International and CISI.
    • Non-Credit Bearing Experiences
      • Department-Sponsored Travel
      • Research Abroad
      • Accompanying Registered Student Organization Travel
        • Faculty or staff accompanying RSO group travel must do so on their personal time unless they have proposed a formal education abroad experience.
        • The university must have information about the group travel. Please complete and submit the Non-Credit Bearing Student International Group Travel Form 60 days prior to departure.
        • Faculty or staff accompanying RSO travel abroad using personal time will not be eligible for the university’s CISI business travel policy and must secure coverage through CISI directly.
  • Faculty or staff planning to bring sensitive data or equipment with them abroad, or who will be traveling to a country with  (OFAC) or  (ITAR) restrictions needs to work with  to verify that their research and equipment complies with federal regulations. For more information, see .

    A laptop loaner program is available through  for travelers to risk-designated locations or countries with an increased cybersecurity profile who wish to leave their technology at home.

Risk-Designated Travel

Undergraduate student travel to a location with an active DoS Level 3: Reconsider Travel Advisory requires submission of a risk-designated travel petition. The university does not authorize undergraduate travel to locations with an active DoS Level 4: Do Not Travel Advisory, CDC Level 3: Reconsider Non-Essential Travel Warning or CDC Level 4: Avoid All Travel.

Graduate student travel to a location with an active DoS Level 3: Reconsider Travel or Level 4: Do Not Travel Advisory, with an active CDC Level 3: Reconsider Non-Essential Travel Warning or with an active CDC Level 4: Do Not Travel Warning requires submission of a risk-designated travel petition. 

Petitions are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Travelers to locations with an U.S. Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) or International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) sanction must work with  to comply with federal regulations related to travel to these countries.

A laptop loaner program is available for travelers to risk-designated locations or countries with an increased cybersecurity profile who wish to leave their technology at home.