Honors Contract in any Course (3 or more credit hours)
Honors Contract
Students may collaborate directly with an instructor to turn any course into an Honors
Learning Experience. Students can customize a project to further their understanding of the Foundations
of Honors Learning.
At the beginning of the semester, you will submit an Honors Contract proposal. If
approved, you will also submit a signed faculty permission form to formalize your
Contract. At the end of the semester, you will be asked to upload your completed Honors Contract.
You will also be responsible for obtaining faculty verification of successful completion.
Honors Contracts are submitted via D2L. See the ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ Journey Honors College D2L page
for more information.
Please see tables below for contract submission details.
Honors Internship/Co-Op with an Honors Learning Contract
- Students learn while they gain experience related to their majors by focusing on one
of the Foundations of Honors Learning through a special project during an internship
- The Internship Proposal Form is due by one month from the first day of class.
- You must also register for a co-op/internship course within your major department.
Applications without a co-op/internship course within your major will not be approved.
- Keep a reflective journal throughout the semester.
- At the end of the semester, you'll submit a report including your reflective journal;
- a description of your experience;
- other products (for example, a sample of your work, screenshots, coding, art, photos)
that might help you describe the work you did, incorporated into your Word or PDF
- a discussion of whether you achieved the goals you set in your proposal, including
goal(s) related to developing one of the Honors Foundations.
Honors Internship Contracts are submitted via D2L. See the ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ Journey Honors College
D2L page for more information.
Please see tables below for contract submission details.
Honors Discovery (HON 2400)
- Topics vary by semester and may include Book Clubs or other special options.
- View upcoming Discovery options under the COURSES tab in the navigation menu.
- You can also view these courses in Owl Express (HON 2400).
Applied Learning Experience (HON 2800)
- To earn an HLE through an Applied Learning E xperience, you'll need to fill out the
proposal form below before the end of drop/add AND sign up for HON 2800 (0 hours).
- You should spend 48 hours during a semester to earn an Applied Learning Experience
- An applied learning experience is a less formal way than an internship to acquire
hands-on experience related to your major. Some common types of applied learning include
volunteering, shadowing a professional, and tutoring (in each case, the experience
should be related to your major in a substantial way).
- Keep a reflective journal throughout the semester.
- At the end of the semester, you'll submit a report of 5-10 pages including
- your reflective journal;
- a description of your experience;
- other products (for example, a sample of your work, screenshots, coding, art, photos)
that might help you describe the work you did, incorporated into your Word or PDF
- a discussion of whether you achieved the goals you set in your proposal, including
goal(s) related to developing one of the Honors Foundations.
Please see Applied Learning Experience submission information in the tables below.
Research Assistance Experience (HON 3002)
- Students serve as a research assistant in supervised inquiry in all disciplines. They
hone investigative and critical thinking skills under the guidance of a faculty member.
- You may sign up for this course for 0-3 hours, depending on whether you can use the
hours as elective credits.
- You should meet the professor's expectations for amount of time you spend on the research.
- As a general guideline, spend at least 2-3 hours a week for each credit hour you earn.
- At the end of the semester, you will submit a 3–5 page reflection report describing your research topic, the implications of this research, and your overall experience. What were your goals, and did you accomplish them? How did you grow during this experience, and what did you learn through this process that can be applied to how you approach other coursework? How did any of the foundations of Honors align with this experience?
Please see Honors Research Assistant submission information in the tables below.
You will receive instruction for completing your end-of-semester reflection directly
from the HON 3002 instructor.
Teaching Assistance Experience (HON 3203)
- Students develop teaching and leadership skills and document evidence of their Honors
learning while working as a Teaching Assistant with one of their professors. You may
sign up for this course for 0-3 hours.
- You should meet the professor's expectations for amount of time you spend on the class.
As a general guideline, you should be in class for every class meeting and spend at
least 2-3 hours a week for each credit hour you earn.
- At the end of the semester you will submit a 3–5 page (double-spaced) reflection report describing the course(s) for which you were a Teaching Assistant, how you engaged with students and faculty, and your overall experience. How did you grow during this experience, and what did you learn through this process that can be applied to how you approach other coursework or your future career? How did you work align with one or more of the three honors identities (Lifelong Learners, Collaborative Leaders, and Civic Minded Scholars)?
Please see Honors Teaching Assistant submission information in the tables below.
*At the end of the semester, we will reach out to your supervisor by email to verify the completion of this experience.
Honors Directed Study (HON 4400)
- Students develop a special course of study that is directed by a faculty member. They
learn project management skills while activating deep learning in an area of study.
- Directed Studies can be taken as HON 4400 or under your major's prefix (e.g., BIOL
4400, HIST 4400, DANC 4400).
Directed Study Instructions
Honors Capstone Proposal Experience (HON 4497)
Please contact Dr. Nicholas Ellwanger at nellwang@kennesaw.edufor a copy of the Fall 2023 Honors Capstone Proposal Syllabus.
You will submit a signature form showing your capstone faculty supervisor's and department/school
liaison's approval at two points:
Initial Checkpoint:
Use this to submit a timeline for your work and related information.
Midterm Checkpoint:
Use this to submit an update on your work and related information.
Final Checkpoint:
Use this to submit your final draft and related information.
Honors Capstone Completion Experience (HON 4499)
Please contact Dr. Nicholas Ellwanger at nellwang@kennesaw.edu for a copy of the Fall 2022 Honors Capstone Completion Syllabus.
You will submit information and a signature form showing your capstone faculty supervisor's
and department/school liaison's approval at two points:
Initial Checkpoint:
Use this to submit a timeline for your work and related information.
Midterm Checkpoint:
Use this to submit an update on your Capstone and related information.
Final Checkpoint:
Use this to submit your Capstone project.
Support is available for presentation of Honors projects at professional conferences.
Once the form is completed with the appropriate signatures, please to submit.
If you're an Honors student planning to graduate this semester, we'd love to hear
your future plans. Please fill out the .
Submit your honors questions, comments, or concerns to the . |