The purpose of this procedure is to define the application and guidelines of the priority
registration accommodation for students with disabilities.
Priority Registration is the ability to register for class on the first day of the
registration period for the upcoming semester. The accommodation is provided to eligible
students to assist in obtaining optimal, not ideal, class scheduling.
Priority Registration is considered a reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities
as illustrated by the following examples:
a) Individuals with a mobility disorder which prevents them from getting from class
to class in a timely fashion.
b) Students with a chronic health condition who need to carefully schedule classes
around medication schedules.
c) Students undergoing periodic medical treatments (ex: chemotherapy, dialysis) which
preclude class attendance at certain times or certain days.
d) Class scheduling for students who receive testing accommodations.
e) Early identification of classes for students who utilize alternative text, sign
language interpreters, and/or real time remote captioning (C-Print.)
Student Responsibilities
- Register with Student Disability Services (SDS) by following appropriate SDS procedures.
- Meet with your academic advisor for academic advisement prior to the priority registration
- Notify SDS in a timely manner before registration if seeking disability-related registration
SDS Responsibilities
- Retrieve date of priority registration from the Registrar’s office.
- Inform students of priority registration date one week prior to the actual date.
- Assist student in registering for classes if they need assistance due to their disability.
The accommodation of priority registration does not override any institutional or
departmental policy such as, but not limited to, the need for academic advisement,
the removal of holds.
Personal conflicts, work conflicts, or personal preference without diagnosis impact are NOT acceptable criteria for applying for Priority Registration and will not be considered by SDS when establishing a student’s eligibility for this accommodation.